Legal notice

This site (hereinafter referred to as “the site”) is published by:

Welcome to the website.

This website is owned and operated by

CEVA ANIMAL HEALTH LIMITED (CEVA), Explorer House, Mercury Park Wycombe Lane, Wooburn Green, Bucks, HP10 0HH, UNITED KINGDOM.

Registered number 3085474

Place of registration: Wooburn Green.

Registered office address CEVA ANIMAL HEALTH LIMITED (CEVA), Explorer House, Mercury Park Wycombe Lane, Wooburn Green, Bucks, HP10 0HH, UNITED KINGDOM.

Contact details, including an email address

Details of how to contact business by non-electronic means the VAT number of business, if applicable GB 238483482

The use of the Site is governed by these terms and conditions of use.

By accessing the Site, the internet user agrees to comply with and respect the terms of use defined below. The internet user acknowledges having sighted, understood and accepted these usage conditions in their entirety. If the internet user refuses any of these usage conditions, that user is requested and constrained not to navigate through the Site.


From one country to another, product lines are adapted to local demand and are subject to local regulatory requirements. The product specifications on this website are for the UK market. For further information, please refer to the Ceva Santé Animale site of your country.


CEVA endeavour to update the content of the Site and to deliver correct information to the Internet user (User). Nonetheless, CEVA shall not be held responsible for any possible errors and/or omissions.

CEVA reserves all rights to modify, terminate, suspend or interrupt any or all of the Site's services or contents without prior warning.

The internet user may signal any error or omission to the following email address:
Any usage of the Site not conforming to its original intent and any violation of these terms and conditions may eventuate in the application of criminal and civil penalties provided for in the law.

Access to the Site is accessible via Internet to any Internet User

CEVA endeavour to maintain accessibility to the Site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, but without incurring any obligation to effectively deliver as such.

For maintenance purposes, updates, and any other reason, specifically of a technical nature, access to the Site may be occasionally interrupted.

In no event CEVA shall not be held responsible neither for these interruptions nor for any consequences that may thereby ensue for the internet user.

In addition, CEVA shall not be held responsible for the existence of any malware on its site or for any consequences that may thereby ensue for the internet user.

The User will be asked to answer and approve these terms and conditions. If you submit a photo to CEVA at the entrance to a contest by entering the contest, you authorise CEVA to use this photo to know the content of the mark.

Thus, by submitting your Content, you grant CEVA and its affiliates an exclusive and globally transferable, royalty-free, irrevocable, perpetual right, without compensation to use as described, the Content on their social media and Web.

The processing of your personal data by the controller (CEVA) is subject to the provisions of paragraph C.


Hypertext links placed on the Site

The Site may contain hypertext links to other sites that are not managed and/or not authored by CEVA.

In no manner whatsoever does CEVA exercise any control over the information, products or services offered by such linked sites and may in no circumstances be held responsible for the contents of any such sites.

Accessing such sites by the internet User incurs the sole responsibility of the user. CEVA control in no way the information, products or services offered by such other sites and can in no way be held responsible for the content of such sites.

If you wish to provide a hypertext or other link to this Site, please contact the Site editor ( with details of:

the URL(s) of the web page(s) from which you are proposing to link to this Site

the URL(s) of the web page(s) on this Site to which you are proposing to link.


We will consider all requests, yet it is our decision as to whether we agree to your request and we do not have to do so.

The installation of hypertext links pointing to the site by other external websites is subject to the prior written approval of CEVA. Hyperlinks or any other manner of incorporating parts of this website on third party sites are also prohibited, unless prior written permission of CEVA. The uses of these sites or any connection made by the user are the sole responsibility of the latter.


CEVA applies technical and organisational security techniques in order to protect the data that it manages against accidental and intentional manipulation, against the loss or destruction of the data, and against the access to this data by unauthorised persons.

These security measures are constantly being improved in correlation with technological developments.

For all information requests, suggestion or claims relating to the treatment of personal data concerning the individual internet user, that user should directly address their concerns to


Any use of intellectual property assets owned by CEVA shall be subject to prior and express authorisation .A lack of authorisation may result in severe penalties and may constitute infringement.

Registered Trade Marks

Trademarks featured on the Site are either the property of CEVA or Ceva Group, or of third parties who have authorised CEVA to use such trademarks.

Access to the Site grants no other rights other than viewing the Site contents.

The publishing of this Site does not imply any usage licence of the trademarks cited, as any such usage is dependent on the express, prior, written authorisation of the trademark owner(s).

Author's rights / Copyright / Trademarks and designs / Patents

The Site is an intellectual work protected by the rights of intellectual property.

All elements of the Site are the exclusive property of CEVA, being the only body authorised to exercise the relevant intellectual property and personality rights. The user does not acquire any licence nor any other right than that of consulting the Site.

All photos and videos belong to CEVA.

You may:

access any part of the Site, unless a password is requested;The reproduction and / or representation of these elements is only authorized for information purposes for strictly personal and private use. 

You may not:

copy (whether by printing off onto paper, storing on disk, downloading or in any other way), distribute (including distributing copies), broadcast, alter or tamper with in any way or otherwise use any material contained in the Site except as set out under "You may". These restrictions apply in relation to all or part of the material on the Site;remove any copyright, trade mark or other intellectual property notices contained in the original material from any material copied or printed off from the Site;link to this Site; without our express written consent.


By submitting your personal data to us, you will be treated as having given your permission for disclosures referred to in this policy.

The Sites are directed to individuals who are permitted to share their Personal Information without parental consent If you are under 13 years old please do not send us your personal information (for example, your name, address and email address). If you are under 13 years old and you wish to ask a question or use this site in anyway which requires you to submit your personal information please get your parent or guardian to do so on your behalf.

Privacy policy

This privacy policy covers our use of your personal information which is collected through or in connection with this site.

Other CEVA websites may contain privacy policies which are different from this privacy policy. On your journey around the CEVA websites please check the privacy policy of each website which you visit and do not assume that this privacy policy applies to all CEVA websites.

Personal information collected

CEVA controls the personal data collected on this site.

We may collect and use personal information (including name, address, telephone number email, IP address) in order to:

Market research and tracking of sales dataInforming you about our products and services, which may include contacting you by telephoneGiving the information to CEVA and affiliate companies, which may be located outside the EEARespond to queries or requests submitted by you,Administer or otherwise carry out our obligations in relation to any agreement you have with us,Anticipate and resolve problems with any goods or services supplied to you,Create products or services that may meet your needs.Cookies

Cookies are a small text files that are stored on your computer or mobile device to help websites remember things about you.

By using our site, you agree to us placing these cookies and accessing them when you visit the site in the future.

If you want to delete any cookies that are already on your computer, the “help” section in your browser should provide instructions.

Please note that by deleting or disabling future cookies, your user experience may be affected and you might not be able to take advantage of certain functions of our site. 

Navigation cookies

These are required for normal browsing and using the website. We may use cookies with a duration equal to the single browsing session, which expire when the browser session is closed; or we can use persistent cookies that last longer, also over then closing the browser session, but always for a specific time period.

Site analytics cookies

These cookies allow us to measure and analyse how our customers use the site, to improve its functionality

Marketing and advertising Cookies

These cookies are used to deliver ads relevant to you.

We deliver online adverts based on the way you interact with us. We may use information obtained through your participation in quizzes, offers and events. We may also use your device’s location to deliver relevant online advertising.

Cookies placed on sites where our ads are present

When you access a site containing advertising of ADAPTIL this advertisement may contain a cookie.
This cookie may, subject to your choice can be stored on your browser.

Social login Tracking Cookies.

If you log in to our websites or online services through a third party site the site may pass information to us, such as, user ID, name associated with the ID, email address and location, plus other information permitted under the privacy policy for that website.

Sharing with third parties

We may pass your information to suppliers we use to provide services that involve using data on our behalf, for example for delivery services.

Keeping your records accurate

We aim to keep our information about you as accurate as possible. If you would like to review or change the details you have supplied us with, please contact us

Security of your personal data

We have implemented technology and policies with the objective of protecting your privacy from unauthorised access and improper use and will update these measures as new technology becomes available, as appropriate.

Data Transfers

We may transfer your information to suppliers outside the European Economic Area.

Such transfers take place in accordance with applicable data protection rules (Privacy Shield) under security conditions enabling the protection of your personal data.



It is forbidden: to use the Site or communication services to forward chain mail, "junk mail", "spam" or any repetitive or unsolicited mail (commercial or otherwise); to harvest or collect, in any manner whatsoever, information relating to third parties, notably email addresses, without the agreement of the third parties concerned; to create or exploit false identities, to falsify an email address or header, or attempt to mislead third parties in any manner whatsoever as to the identity of the message sender or as to the origin of the message; to forward any inappropriate content such as is defined and referenced below under "Inappropriate Content"; to forward any element containing a virus or other component that is harmful or detrimental to the Site or to third parties or in contravention of the law; to attempt to access the offered services in an unauthorised manner of other accounts, information systems or networks connects to the Site services through the usage of various passwords or by any other means: or to interfere with the use and enjoyment of the service by any other internet user or with the use and enjoyment of similar services by the means of another entity.

Inappropriate Content includes any language, comments, remarks and images considered by CEVA as being obscene, deceptive, illegal, racist, defamatory or constitutive to harassment, violating third party rights or restraining and/or preventing the use of other internet users of the forums or chatrooms accessible through the Site. The use of the Site, its services and any element or information obtained through it, engages the exclusive responsibility of the internet user.

CEVA does not provide the internet user with any guarantee of any sort, express or implicit, as to the quality of the Site's services or their commercial quality, consistency, or to research results that meet the internet user's expectations, and refuses all responsibilities as regards possible disputes, actions or recourse by third parties who might wish to lay claim to their rights, notably private rights, over any content not created by CEVA. In addition, CEVA shall not be held responsible for: any lack of performance of the Site and/or any software used or downloaded from the Site; any loss of data or services resulting from delays, modifications, suspensions or interruptions to its services; inaccuracy, poor quality or the very nature of the information obtained through its services; any consequences deriving directly or indirectly from the transmission of malware through its servers; nor for any manipulation by any unauthorised persons of data on the Site or of data pertaining to the internet user.
CEVA shall likewise not be held responsible for any direct or indirect damages, notably but not exclusively including loss of profits, clientele, or data, all intangible benefits, loss of opportunity for income or any other loss or damages possibly arising from the use or, on the contrary, non-use caused by inaccessibility of the Site.

As regards Personal Content, such as is defined below, supplied by internet users, CEVA declines all responsibility relating to the existence of such content in chatrooms or in any other discussion service. Such Personal Content, be it opinions, declarations, recommendations or points of view, is representative uniquely of the opinions, declarations, recommendations and points of view of the Users and never expressly nor implicitly those of CEVA. The Site may contain links to other sites that are not managed and/or not authored by CEVA.

In no manner whatsoever does CEVA exercise any control over the information, products or services offered by such linked sites and may in no circumstances be held responsible for the contents of any such sites.  The internet user agrees to indemnify CEVA and guarantees CEVA against any and all actions for responsibility, recourse, loss, cost, loss of income, loss of data, and any other direct or indirect damages arising from the violation on the internet user's part of any of the conditions of this current legal notice.



These terms and conditions are governed by and to be interpreted in accordance with English law and in the event of any dispute arising in relation to these terms and conditions or any dispute arising in relation to the website whether in contract or tort or otherwise the English courts will have non-exclusive jurisdiction over such dispute.


CEVA reserves all rights to modify at any time these Site terms and conditions of use, specifically as regards any new regulatory or legislative actions or any efforts made to improve usage of the Site by the internet user.

If we make any substantial changes to this privacy policy and the way in which we use your personal data we will post these changes on this page and will do our best to notify you of any significant changes. Please check our privacy policy on a regular basis.

Any future modification of the Site shall be included within these current terms and conditions, dating from 01/12/2022



If at any time you would like to contact us about our Terms and Conditions, you can do so by emailing us at